The surest path to dismantle Donald Trump

The House Judiciary Committee has turned its sights to Articles of Impeachment against “president” Donald Trump. Chairman Jerry Nadler said that a jury would convict Trump “in three minutes flat.” The report issued by the Committee lays out the pertinent areas of the Constitution that justify impeachment of a president. If you haven’t yet read it, you can read a PDF version online. The issues outlined in this report give clear, convincing evidence that Donald Trump should be impeached. What’s next for Democrats? One of the things that Nadler said in his appearance on Meet the Press should direct our focus: “The president, based on his past performance, will do everything he can to make it not a fair election.” That is what Democrats hope to stop.
CNN spoke to two dozen voters in Iowa, and according to those with whom they spoke, Trump is dominating all of the conversations, and in a sense, is overshadowing the primary. Candidates for the nomination include both progressives and moderates, and it is really not clear which way voters are leaning. One thing is clear: Most Democratic voters will choose based on whom they think will beat Trump. This is an interesting take. We should elect the candidate we think will lead us into a more promising, prosperous future for middle and lower class Americans. If, however, Trump is reelected, not only will the middle class continue to decline, but our country as a whole will turn more toward the negativity we have witnessed during his “presidency.” In that respect, these voters are absolutely correct: We should chose who can defeat Trump and worry about the rest later.
Maggie Willems, a social studies teacher, told CNN that she has been “agonizing over her choice for months.” Willems identifies as a “Democratic socialist” who most aligns her views with Progressives. Willems told CNN that she “is in a far more moderate mood.” She was a Warren supporter who now leans toward Buttigieg. Willems said, “President Trump very much drives this decision,” and she wonders who among the candidates can bring back independent voters and Democrats who sat out because they didn’t want to support Hillary Clinton. This is a very agonizing decision. Klobuchar’s campaign is moving more toward trying to win people over rather than firing up the base. According to CNN, her “crowds are steadily growing,” as she reminds voters that she carried more Trump counties in Minnesota than any of her rivals did in their own states.
It is sad that we find ourselves in this place as a nation, but this is our reality. Any of these candidates would be better than Trump. I am personally a moderate who is not in line with progressives. However, if a progressive wins the nomination, you best bet I will be supporting him or her. The goal right now is to rid us of Trump. The rest will fall in line once we have positive leadership that can effectuate change for all of us.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years