The Supreme Court of Midnight and Deception

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

The Court of Midnight and Deception is a book. It is also what I’ve named a group of people. These people are as shrouded in mystery as any storybook court ever was. When we see them, they’re usually in their flowing black robes. But who are they, really? They are our Supreme Court. And they are failing us.

The Supreme Court is currently wrestling with the little problem of an abortion drug called Mifepristone. They have extended their decision. It will come on Friday, any time up to midnight. Yes, they like issuing decisions at Midnight, don’t they?

Some people say this is an ill wind for our side. Remember, they say. Remember Roe. Roe, too was put off to Friday for minimum news coverage. It didn’t work. It was VERY foolish for the court to think it would.

It stands to reason that SOMEBODY is writing a dissent. Who could it be? Kagan? Alito? We will not know until Friday, of course. But I still think we may just win this. And if we don’t?

If we don’t, the Supreme Court will instantly and permanently be discredited. They will be laughingstocks. Their good names will become synonymous with failure and cruelty. Their legacy will vanish. Much of it already has.

But most importantly — it will be THE issue heading to 2024. Fear not, friends and readers. I know it’s tough. I know how it is, waiting for this secretive court of midnight and deception to make their ruling.

And let’s take a look at some other matters relating to the dark court — the deceptive court – the court of flowing black robes, midnight whispers, and ever-flowing deception. Senator Dick Durbin has just asked Chief Justice John Roberts to testify for the Senate. His testimony would take place at a hearing on May 2. Durbin invited him in the form of a letter.

This hearing would be about ethics rules for the court. Durbin noted that nothing had been heard from the court on this since 2011! In the meantime, the Washington Post has come out with an opinion article saying Clarence Thomas must resign. He won’t, of course. But as more dirt is dug up on him AND more sleazy facts come out, Thomas will be under mounting pressure.

In the meantime, a new poll has come out, and by more than a 2 to 1 margin, people think the Texas decision on the abortion pill should be reversed. In fact, just 22% think it should stay in place.

So the news is grim for this court — this shadowy, extremist, haughty court of Midnight and Deception. They have a choice now with this decision due on Friday. Let’s hope they make the right one.

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.