The stupidest man in Congress

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A show of hands from anyone who agrees that Kevin McCarthy is, indeed one of the stupidest human beings in in the world, and definitely in Congress. As Trump whines about his target letter from Jack Smith, Kevin McCarthy has come up with an ingenious idea as to why this potential indictment is happening at all: Trump’s just too popular for Democrats. His poll numbers went up, McCarthy said. I suppose McCarthy is trying to say that this indictment wouldn’t have happened if Trump were not so popular.

So let’s look at this pathetic explanation from America’s dumbest Congressman. According to McCarthy, Trump’s numbers went up and then what happened? Did Jack Smith say: oh my gosh, Trump is beating a lot of his opponents! I better get that target letter ready! Kevin McCarthy’s excuse is so stupid that it actually inspired laughter from me.

At this point Kevin can’t even pretend to act like a normal person. His explanation makes no sense and sooner or later he’s going to have to make a choice as to whether to throw his torso 100% in with Trump and endorse him, or make a statement distancing himself from Trump.

Being that McCarthy is afraid of his own shadow, I don’t think the second choice will ever happen. I worry about the House of Representatives having such a malignant coward in it. It will be interesting, once Trump is indicted, to see what McCarthy says about the indictment.

He’s seemingly making it up as he goes along, coming up with excuses on a moment to moment basis. He does not seem to have any legitimate plan on how to handle Trump going forward, and that is the sign of a horrible and incompetent leader.

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