The silent enemy

My father is a practicing Psychologist, an author, and a whistle-blower. He’s an extraordinary man. Nikki Haley is his enemy. The greatest generation are those who were born between 1919 and 1945. There are many of them walking about. Nikki Haley is their enemy.
I am not being hyperbolic. I am stating a fact. Nikki Haley dislikes older people. She has significant problems with them. We saw this regarding her callous statements about President Biden. We see it now as she promises that if elected, which she won’t be, she will fight hard to raise the Retirement age.
Imagine that. Imagine the retirement age going UP. I personally think it should go DOWN. Americans are overworked. I hear about this regularly. Imagine if Haley succeeded in her feverish dream to turn people into workhorses.
It is not just Haley, either. This push to raise the age of retirement is the silent enemy, the enemy few are talking about, the silent enemy that must no longer be silent.
“They should plan on their retirement age being increased.” This is from Haley herself at the last Republican debate. This is, of course, part of the war on our oldest generations. Some of them might be catching on to Republicans like Haley. Recent polls have shown Biden is making deep inroads with older voters, and more and more of them are flocking to him. Do you blame them?
Republicans want to take away social security. They want to take away health insurance. They want to take away Medicare. Why not raise the retirement age to REALLY stick it to Americans? Why not, indeed.
People like Haley can pretend. They can pretend all they want. They can pretend to understand, to commiserate with the American people. They can pretend they “get us.”
However, that is a fallacy, a low-down dirty lie. Republicans live on another planet, a planet of white Christian younger men who despise women, have no respect for their elders, and hate everything that makes America magnificent.