The silence is eerie

We’re in the midst of a deadly pandemic that’s uprooted the nation in ways that none of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. The economy is in the middle of collapse. And the President of the United States is a mentally unstable criminal who’s in the process of going senile. There’s no lack of news going on.

And yet today has had an odd feel to it. Perhaps it’s because for the second day in a row, Donald Trump (mercifully) didn’t hold an evening press briefing. He held some propaganda meeting in the White House earlier today, but nothing came of it. So we didn’t have a news cycle today about the deranged things he said yesterday, and we didn’t have a new briefing today to chew on either. This is a good thing. The story shouldn’t be about him and his awful mouth and diseased mind right now.

But it’s nonetheless set up today as having a kind of eerie silence. The death toll keeps climbing. The economic devastation continues to get more devastating for people who were already struggling. It’s all so horrifying, there’s a temptation to look away from it. It’s easier to focus on the murderous clown in the Oval Office, and how much we want him gone.

Maybe we all needed a “slow news day” in order to recuperate from the ongoing punishing news cycle. But going forward we really shouldn’t look away from what’s going on across the nation for too long. In the end we’re all in this together, while the villain Trump is still in office, and after we vote him out.

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