The Republican primary sham

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Donald Trump is projecting himself as the Republican nominee. He’ll never make it past that. The other Republicans are all endorsing him, hoping to receive the MAGA votes once Trump is out of the picture, at least they hope he will be out of the picture. Their mistake was not going after him from the beginning. The point is there has never been a true Republican primary. Haley dropped her proverbial hat into the ring early on, but she hasn’t had strong support. Ron DeSantis found that he’s not nearly as likeable as he thinks he is, Vivek Ramaswamy is a nut, and the rest aren’t worth mentioning.

Michael Beschloss is a presidential historian who appeared on MSNBC after Trump’s victory in New Hampshire. He believes that we’ll see plenty of “buyer’s remorse” from these people who insist on voting for Trump. Trump is not only a failed, twice-impeached, criminally charged “president,” but he’s totally losing his mind (including what little he had to begin with). Beschloss believes that Trump is losing it mentally, and there’s no way Trump can run the country. The Republican party as it currently stands is dead.

Eli Mystal, a Harvard graduate who earned his JD and went on to become an attorney, now spends his time writing for The Nation and serving as a political commentator. He visited MSNBC and said the current Republican primary “is not a real thing.” Mystal opined that the other candidates should have pointed out that Trump is a bad candidate, but they were all waiting for Jack Smith to take him out, which makes them no better than Trump. Who wants a coward for a president? Besides, Trump will be busy fighting 91 criminal charges.

Most of the former primary candidates are blindly endorsing Donald Trump. The most pathetic of these is Tim Scott. He wouldn’t even be a senator if it weren’t for Nikki Haley. Then, he turns around and endorses Trump by misquoting Fannie Lou Hamer and trying to sound like a preacher, something he couldn’t be farther from. Hamer likely turned in her grave at the sound of what we, back in the day, would call an Uncle Tom and who insists that Trump is not a racist. Whatever, dude. Hopefully, his constituency will send him packing the next time he’s up for election, which might be fine by him since he’s auditioning to be Trump’s lackey vice president. That’s the only type of vice-presidential running mate Trump wants. More likely, he will choose Elise Stefank, who has shown she will do anything for Trump, including totally changing her stance on January 6, to which Liz Cheney responded: “One day she will have to explain how and why she morphed into a total crackpot. History, and our children, deserve to know.” We all know. She’s merely one of the “new Republicans” who aren’t Republicans at all. They are the real RINOs.

Trump isn’t going to beat President Biden. He’s done amazing things, and he is now endorsed by the UAW. Biden belongs back in the White House; Trump belongs in jail.

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