The Republican infighting has begun
It’s happening, folks. The political infighting has begun, and if these first skirmishes are signs of things to come, it’s looking like a nasty, all-out free for all on the part of the Republican party.
I’m speaking about the battle royale for the prize of being the Republican nominee for president. Oh dear, this battle is certainly bringing out the crazy. It’s barely begun. And yet, we’re already seeing the sharp stings of the republican jellyfish, stingrays, and sharks as they show increasing signs of lunacy in their quest to be the anointed one.
Let’s start with Nikki Haley. Will Nikki run? I say — It’s not a question of IF. It’s a question of when. She covets the office of president. Can you see the wheels in her brain working, trying to figure out who to go after first?
The lucky recipient of Haley’s decision is Mike Pompeo. The perpetual smirker is promoting his new book, which nobody with an ounce of sanity will ever read. And Haley has hit out at Pompeo, saying he is using “lies and gossip” to sell it. Speaking to Brett Baier, Haley said Pompeo is just trying to create drama. In the book, Pompeo claims Haley was secretly plotting to steal the VP position from Mike Pence.
Haley didn’t like that either because she was innocent or because she did just that and did not want anybody to know. But there is more. And this other skirmish promises to be quite entertaining.
This is the Florida battle between the two most feckless, cowardly residents of the sunshine state — Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis. According to reports, Scott is secretly plotting how to take down the possible campaign of Desantis. Why?
Because HE wants to be president and sees DeSantis as a threat. So in the spirit of betrayal, Scott is busily examining plans to make sure the campaign craters. This fight promises to be an interesting one, but there’s a problem. The problem is both men are so obnoxious there’s nobody to root for.
There isn’t one here. I expect both these sacks of sh## to lose and lose badly. And let us not forget John Bolton waiting ever so quietly in the wings, ready to take down Donald Trump, who is at war with everybody, including himself, on a daily basis. So yes, this is a race to the bottom, a battle royale of epic proportions as the Republican slime crawls out of the woodwork set on destroying each other.[mashshare shares=”false” buttons=”true” align=”left” services=”3″ size=”small”]