The real reason Chuck Todd needs to be fired

The late Jerry Springer put a lot of garbage people on the air, but at least he’d push back against them a little, and he admitted it was all just entertainment. I only bring this up because it occurs to me that Meet The Press host Chuck Todd constantly puts garbage people on the air, doesn’t push back at all, and pretends it’s journalism.

Jerry Springer certainly wouldn’t have wanted to host Meet The Press, and he wouldn’t have been good at it even if he tried – but he’d have done a better job than Chuck Todd. And that alone is an argument for why Chuck Todd should be fired.

Here’s the worst part about it. Chuck Todd pioneered the concept of dishonestly slanting things so he can falsely portray Democrats and Republicans as being the same, in a way that’s given him stronger ratings than the other Sunday morning political shows. Accordingly, the other Sunday morning shows are now mimicking his dishonestly biased attempt at appearing unbiased. Chuck Todd hasn’t just ruined Meet The Press, he’s ruined every Sunday morning show. He’s one of the most destructively dishonest forces in the modern history of political journalism. This guy needs to be fired yesterday.

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