The original pro-Trump RNC draft document was even uglier than we knew

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“Ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.” The ongoing humiliation of the insurrection party shows no sign of slowing down. Actually, the opposite is true. It appears to be spending up.

There is the famous story of the little train that could. In the case of the GOP, it would appear they are the little non-party that could not. They can’t stop the laughter. The mocking and jeering are coming at them from all sides, and every move they make seems to be the wrong one.

That’s what happens when one supports traitors. Bad, bad things often happen. In this case, the bad thing is public humiliation. And it seems every day there is a new bombshell.

The latest news about our “ordinary discourse” non-friends is that this miserable censure of Cheney and Kinzinger wasn’t the original copy. There was an original draft that’s even worse than what we’ve heard. And, of course, this draft is pretty damning.

Here are the words of the early draft in all their lying glory: “a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in nonviolent and legal political discourse.”

Nonviolent and legal. Apparently, those words were a bridge too far even for some Republicans because they didn’t make it into the final draft. I do wonder, though. Are there actually Republicans who believe this gobbly-gook?

So it is now legal to assault the police? Is it legal to chant about killing the Vice President? And what is this nonviolent stuff? If January 6 was nonviolent in the eyes of some Republicans; I’d sure hate to see what they think is REAL violence.

In my opinion, each and every Republican running this year needs to be asked if they agree with these words. Each one needs to be asked if it’s OK to kick, punch and beat police. They need to be asked if they approve of Trump offering pardons for Cop killers.

They need to be asked if they are willing to BREAK WITH TRUMP on this issue. And if they ARE asked these questions — we will see stammering, squirming, and non-answers in ways that make what’s happening this week look like small potatoes.

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