The one we’ve all been waiting for

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The upcoming January 6 indictment is the one we really all have been waiting for. Ever since the January 6 terrorist attack, many of us have been waiting. We’ve been waiting for accountability. The anger that the insurrectionists left us with is gigantic, and since January 6, we’ve been demanding justice. And now it looks like we just might get it.

And that is why we wait so joyfully. We wait for the spoils of victory over the bitter and harsh day of terror, a day started by the biggest terrorist of them all. Terror was what Trump and his accolades waged upon us. This indictment will be the Peoples’ indictment. It’s by the people for the people.

Millions of us were enraged by what happened on January 6. So yes, this indictment looks a bit different than the others because this indictment for all of us. This indictment will show definitively what happens to traitors who attempt a Government overthrow.

Many of us have woken up in the middle of the night,our heads spinning thinking: is it going to happen? Is he going to get what’s coming to him? The answer to that question as we learned last week is a big resounding yes.

I know not what day will come and I know not what the exact charges will be, but you know what I do know? There is going to be a sense of peace, of joy, of winning. It’s going to be so thick, you just might feel it in the air because with this coming indictment, we’ll see that Donald John Trump, the biggest. traitor in the world, will have to answer for his deadly and malevolent crimes.

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