The odds are in our favor on this one

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

When one says goals for the future, those goals must be plausible — within striking distance if you will. I have a goal, my friends and fellow political animals. I have a goal I am about to reveal to you.

I do not want a blue wave. I want a blue saltwater OCEAN — I want an oceanic tsunami, a high tide that does not wash away until the 2024 election is over and we’ve won EVERYTHING. It can be done. It will be done — by the people for the people — by and for US.

The extreme court’s decision. A few words about that. My two favorite pundits remain very optimistic about it. Those two people are Bill Palmer, who runs Palmer Report, which you are reading right now and whom I write for, and MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, who says not only is his hair NOT on fire, but it’s “not even warm.”

What do we want as it pertains to the extreme court? And how can we get it? Well — court expansion. Term limits. To do that, we must hold the Senate and the Presidency. More and more people are also whispering that perhaps if we take back the House as well, impeachment proceedings can be brought against Clarence Thomas.

It’s also possible that either Alito and Thomas or one of them will resign in the next few years; People, they look tired. They clearly would prefer to resign under a Republican Presidency, but that does not mean they wouldn’t resign were Biden to win a second term, which he will.

And a REAL code of ethics. We want ALL of these things. To get them, we MUST do even better than we did during the last presidential election, and we did pretty damn good. So, for example, when its time to phone bank, if you usually phone bank twice a week, think about doing it three or four times a week.

Get involved in signing up new voters, in voter drives and in donating, tweeting, pinning messages on your Twitter account, educating undecided voters, driving people to the polls (that’s VERY important), and door knocking.

So many things we can do. The goals I have outlined are not out of reach. I think, to the contrary, these goals can and will be reached. It will take time and effort, but we have several things going for us. We’re harder workers than they are.

Republicans lack our passion, which can be seen in virtually ALL the states that have had primaries so far. There is an enthusiasm gap. Many Republicans are not committed to Trump. Many Republicans are never Trumpers.

We’re also more intelligent than them and more passionate about our issues. Many Republican voters do not even know what their issues ARE, and they always seem to wait for Donald Trump to tell them. A well-organized political machine vs. a cult. Who would YOU say the odds are with?

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.