The myth of Donald Trump comes crashing down

Have you ever wondered why Donald Trump lies so much? Trump is one of the most prolific liars this world has ever seen. Not content to just lie about the important things, Donald Trump seemingly lies FOR NO REASON AT ALL. And he does that often.

There are books out that have tracked hundreds of thousands of lies he has reportedly told. It does seem the man can’t put his socks on without lying. Why? I am no psychologist, but I would like to point you toward an interesting condition. This condition is called Mythomania and is also known as Pseudologia Fantastica.

This is a condition that involves a person lying “with no obvious motivation.” In other words — they lie just to lie. The person doing this may create elaborate twists on their lies, making them dramatic and, in many cases, absolutely unbelievable. Some even believe their own lies.

It is said that these people simply cannot control their lying. They lie and they lie, and they lie and absolutely nothing can stop them. And they never are worried about the consequences.

Mythomania is classified in the DSM (Guide for classification of mental disorders) as a symptom of another disorder and not a singular disorder in and of itself. It is believed many who suffer from an antisocial personality disorder may suffer from Mythomania.

Some of the symptoms of Mythomania include self-deception, pathological lying, and tales of experiences that never happened and only exist in the liar’s imagination. While I cannot say if Trump suffers from Mythomania, like the disorder of Narcissism, he does seem to check many, if not most, of the boxes. It is a fascinating thing to ponder.

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