The media is getting Donald Trump’s arrest narrative entirely wrong

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The major media outlets keep telling us, over and over again, that Donald Trump’s indictment and arrest are a somber moment and an embarrassment for our country. In fact pretty much every host, panelist, and guest who’s appeared on MSNBC and CNN over the past 48 hours has just happened to hold that same exact opinion. The wannabe political pundits on Twitter who are trying to get themselves booked on MSNBC and CNN all curiously happen to be expressing that same position as well.

But as these folks in the industry all line up to try to portray themselves as being judicious, back in the real world it’s a very different story. No one in the real world thinks Trump’s indictment and arrest are a somber moment for the country. Having a career criminal as President was an embarrassment for our country. His indictment and arrest are a joyous celebration for democracy, because it means justice is being served.

Donald Trump isn’t being arrested because he was a crappy President, or because we don’t like him. He’s being arrested because he committed felony level crimes. A lot of them. So many crimes in fact that he’s being criminally indicted in three different jurisdictions.

Trump isn’t some tireless public servant who made a single error in judgment and had to be arrested for it. That would be a somber moment. But this is a career criminal who’s being arrested for crimes he committed in the name of trying to get into office to begin with.

And in other jurisdictions he’s being indicted for crimes he committed in the name of trying to avoid leaving office, crimes he committed on his way out of office, and crimes he’s committed since leaving office. This is not some somber thing. It’s long overdue justice for a career criminal who’s spent years harming the entire nation in criminal fashion.

The media shouldn’t even be framing this in terms of a former President who’s being arrested. They should be framing it in terms of a career criminal who’s finally facing justice and never should have been President to begin with.

It’s also worth pointing out that Trump was never legitimately President. He committed hush money felonies, and his campaign conspired with Russia, during the 2016 election cycle in order to get into office in the first place. The idea that we now have to sit around and lament over his downfall, just because he once illegally occupied the White House, is beyond absurd. We shouldn’t have to feel guilty about popping the champagne over this. America has more than earned that right.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report