The media is finally starting to admit what Palmer Report said was going to happen all along

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Back around 2019, I began saying that Donald Trump would lose reelection in 2020 and then end up in prison. It felt like such an obvious prediction, I was frankly surprised that there was any pushback against it.

Once Trump indeed lost in 2020 and was forced out of office, I figured everyone would get on board with where things were obviously heading. At that point he wasn’t just facing the original criminal probe in Manhattan for his cooked books; he was always going to end up indicted in some way or another for his actions in relation to the 2020 election.

And of course once the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and seized classified documents that he’d stolen and lied about still possessing, it was obviously game over. The Feds don’t make that kind of move (and realistically can’t even get such a warrant) unless they already have so much evidence in hand that they’ve already basically decided to prosecute.

It’s always difficult to predict how long a criminal probe will take or when an indictment will finally happen, but the outcome here seemed more than a bit inevitable. So it was somewhere between disturbing and laughable to sit back and watch the entire mainstream media and pundit class – everyone on all sides – unanimously insist that Trump was somehow magically going to be a viable participant in the 2024 election. These predictions simply left out the fact that Trump was about to be indicted in several jurisdictions and be put on criminal trial after criminal trial before we even got to the heart of the 2024 election cycle.

Even after Trump was indicted in Manhattan a couple months ago on thirty-four felony counts with a trial date that was obviously going to happen well before the 2024 election, the media and pundit class near-unanimously treated it as a mere mosquito bite level nuisance for Trump on his way to 2024. But now that Trump has been indicted by the DOJ under the Espionage Act, the media seems to be finally starting to admit that just maybe Trump is on the track to prison that he’s always obviously been on.

It actually started with former Trump attorney Ty Cobb of all people, who appeared on CNN about a month ago and stated his prediction that Donald Trump is going to prison. Then former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr piled on by adding that Trump was in grave legal danger in the classified documents probe. This created the bizarre situation where Trump’s own former attorneys were being more honest about the whole thing than almost anyone in the media or pundit class.

But now that the DOJ indictment of Donald Trump has actually happened – something that most of the media and pundit class insisted all along would never happen no matter what – we’re finally seeing a few folks in the media admitting the obvious. Former Fox News host Chris Wallace, who now works for CNN, just pointed out that if Trump is convicted in this case he’s looking at a de facto “life sentence” in prison at his age.

We’ll see more of this in the coming days and weeks. One by one, the pundits on TV and Twitter – who spent all that time scaring you for attention by insisting Trump would get away with it all no matter what – will start adjusting their talking points accordingly. That’s because at some point it just becomes too obvious to the average viewer that Trump is indeed going down, and the media can no longer chase ratings by pretending Trump will magically get away with it all.

Keep in mind that the media’s shift toward the truth on this topic will only happen gradually. It won’t all happen overnight. A few weeks go I noted that an offshoot of Politico ran the headline, “Could Trump Go to Prison? It’s Not Out of the Question.” I couldn’t help but laugh at how a mainstream media outlet was finally admitting the obvious, but was still framing it as some unlikely scenario that might have some small chance of happening.

Now that the indictment has actually happened, audiences can see that Attorney General Merrick Garland wasn’t secretly scheming all this time to protect Trump. The DOJ hadn’t decided to “let Trump off the hook.” And the indictment wasn’t going to happen too late for the charges to come to trial before the 2024 election (which is still nearly a year and a half away). So of course now the media has to at least start admitting that Trump is going to prison.

Of course even Chris Wallace stuck that ‘if he’s convicted’ caveat in there. Because of course that’s the media’s next designated scare tactic for keeping you tuned in. The media has already assigned imaginary magical powers to the trial judge, in an effort to trick audiences into believing that she can just magically make the charges against Trump go away at any time.

But hey, at least now the media is finally starting to admit that Donald Trump is going to prison if he’s found guilty at trial. It’s a big step closer to the truth, even if the media does now portray Trump as only having a 1% or 5% chance of being convicted, instead of the 95% or 99% chance that he does have of being convicted. But that’s another topic for another day.

Of course the mainstream media and pundit class could have just done what Palmer Report did, which was to spend all this time honestly stating that Donald Trump was on track for prison, instead of scaremongering over imaginary ways that he was going to get away with it all. If the media ever did decide to start being totally honest with all of its narratives, I could probably retire.

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