The great snowflake meltdown

This week, President Biden gave what, in my opinion, is one of his best speeches to date. Speaking earnestly to the American people, Biden argued that the Maga Republicans had become an increased threat to democracy and our nation.

And he’s right. Biden specifically stated that he was not talking about all Republicans or even most republicans. He was speaking of the Maga Republicans — and their increasingly violent ways.

And he urged all of America to join him in rejecting the violence of Maga Republicans. It was a powerful and much-needed speech, and it freaked out the Maga Republicans, who are currently in meltdown mode.

Maga, who prides themselves on being “tough” — who calls anyone who does not agree with them “snowflakes” are now having what could only be called the great snowflake meltdown. All over the net, Maga Republicans are indignantly posting about what President Biden said. How dare he! they rage. How very wicked of him! For WHAT? For calling you out, Maga? For stating the truth? Why are you so angry?

It is specifically BECAUSE of this honesty that I believe Maga is so very angry. You see, they are a prime example,e of people who can dish it out but sure as heck can’t take it.

For years many in the Democratic party have been labeled: “traitors, pedos, communists, dictators,” and so much more. That appears to be fair game in the minds of Maga. But speaking out against their disgusting calls for violence evidently isn’t. And that is why the great snowflake meltdown is happening. And make no mistake, it IS happening.

“Biden wants to destroy us.” I see that one all over. Some Maga wants to leave the country. Others think Biden is “coming for them.” Maga is so out of touch with reality they do not understand that they’re projecting.

President Biden is not “coming for them.” All he wants is an end to the threats of violence. If Maga had the depth necessary to look at themselves, they would surely understand this.

Only they do not. So they will continue to scream and tweet into the void, continue their tremendous and epic meltdown, not understanding that the only people they are describing with their frantic words against Biden are their own selves.

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