The GOP’s latest cruelty

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The GOP most definitely has an image problem. They want to be seen as warm, giving individuals who wear indulgent smiles, like happy-go-lucky uncles, embracing the American people, ready, willing, and oh so able to help lift the American people up and solve complex problems.

Instead, they are perceived as distant, uncaring figures who wear indifferent expressions, like stern strangers, alienating the American people, ready, willing, and oh so able to suppress the American people and solve no problem, complex or otherwise.

So please join me in marveling at the latest cruel act of the GOP, the latest stupid and clueless action they’ve taken. Louisiana Republicans have voted to….. wait for it……. end lunch breaks for child workers!

Congratulations Republicans. When you go low, sometimes you go even lower! Republicans in Louisiana are determined to reform the business climate there. According to reports, the architect of this disgusting legislation is state rep Roger Wilder, who owns some smoothie franchises across the state.

As of this writing, the bill, has passed a legislative committee and is heading to the House floor in Louisiana. So, feast your eyes on THIS. The GOP is not content with ruining the lives of:

Black and brown people
the LGBTQ community
Anyone who has health insurance including the elderly.

Now, they have children’s lunch breaks firmly in their sights, a clear indication of their indifference(hatred?) towards the most vulnerable in our society. It isn’t a surprise. This is the party that pretends to be about LIFE.

All day, every day, they screech about the babies, the babies, THE BABIES! Then when said babies are born? It’s kiss-off time. Republicans seem to think babies growing up to be children and young adults deserve nothing, especially not food. Not when they’re on the clock!

At this point, one has to ask: Who do these politicians represent other than cult members and the top one percent? The answer to that question is — nobody.

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