The GOP’s golden apple of discord

It is interesting how often the apple has dominated history. The apple appears in many different religions and belief systems. Its symbolism varies depending on the culture. We all know the tale of Adam and Eve and the “forbidden fruit” in the garden of Eden.

Taking its roots in Ukraine, there is the “Apple Feast of the Savior” which is observed in August The church blesses the food, and is then eaten by faithful church goers. And in mythological history, there is the Golden apple of discord. The apple of discord is “the core, the kernel or crux of an argument that could lead to a bigger dispute.”

This golden apple is believed to have led to the Trojan war. And so, yes, the apple symbolizes many things in many different cultures. I want to talk about the GOP’s golden apple of discord because it has already led to their many defeats — and it’s also brought much sorrow.

It started, of course, with Donald Trump. The GOP was engulfed in an internal war — accept trump or deny him? They accepted him. And that indeed led to bigger and much more ominous things. I think it is fair to say if the GOP had just — quickly and compactly — spurned him, then much of the doom that came to our country would have been avoided.

Please take a look back with me. There might not have been a march of hate in Virginia by Nazis who thought themselves invincible. There would not have been near as many sickened from Covid — and not nearly as many who ultimately lost their lives.

And there would not have been the election denial. It did not exist before trump. Trump hatched it, and the rest of the GOP brought it up — learning from their master how to lie, cheat, and deny.

Roe might not have been overturned. I do not know that one to be true, but it is fair to say that certain justices who made it onto the court would not have even been considered. And lastly — there would have been no insurrection. The Capitol would be to this day pristine, and no traitors feet would have blemished it on January 6.

So you see– one tiny kernel of an argument can blossom into much more severe consequences. And this apple of discord is still here in the form of the next election denier. Who it will be, I know not.

But what I do know is we have been warned. Now we know what we’re up against. We also know that it falls to us to guard our country, to be its watch people, and to protect it from any further apples of discord that the republican party may try to bring.

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