The George Santos revenge tour is looking like a nightmare for the Republicans

Badge of honor? More like a badge of dishonor. But first things first. There is news about nobody’s favorite liar, George Santos. Santos, admitted he knows he will likely be expelled from Congress. Oh Goody! Santos said something, and it wasn’t a lie! That doesn’t happen all that much.

But then Santos told a whopper. He said he would treat his expulsion as a “badge of honor.” Santos had a meltdown on Friday evening. (Why do all these Republicans have their meltdowns at NIGHT?)

Seriously, can’t they find anything else to do at night other than have freakouts and meltdowns? The answer to that question is that they can’t. Santos pulled a Madison Cawthorn and began to tell all.

Calling the GOP “hypocritical”, Santos lashed out, saying many of his colleagues are “barely doing their jobs” and some are regularly cheating on their significant others. Santos also claimed some of them ” get a drink every night with the next lobbyist that they’re going to screw and pretend like none of us know what’s going on.”

Such a lot to unpack here! First of all — what IS this? Fast time at Ridgemont High? And honestly, Jeff Spicoli would undoubtedly make a far better Congressman than some of these republican chickens we have now.

If Republicans are indulging their more decadent sides, they really need to stop and focus on doing the work the American people sent them there to do. Then again, this IS George Santos. So, being the proven liar he is, he could have made all these accusations up. There is simply no way of knowing.

It IS ironic, though, that spurned republicans keep coming back to the sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll thing. Of course, they only do it when their popularity dims and they head out the door.

Santos, like Cawthorn before him, will fall into irrelevancy. But he also might just be heading for prison, where he can tell his inmates all the low-down dirty things about Republicans he wants. And who knows? Perhaps Donald Trump will join him in the same prison. Wouldn’t THAT be something to see?

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