The final fury of Donald Trump

When a malignant narcissist FINALLY reach the bottom, anything goes. And “anything goes” could be Donald Trump’s middle name. From griping that the FBI didn’t take their shoes off in Mar-A-Lago to marveling at the huge crowds at his tiny Ohio rally last weekend, there can be no doubt that Trump has fallen, and he’s fallen hard.

The fall of a narcissist is never fun; in Trump’s case, it is truly pathetic. In his long and hard fall to the bottom of the barrel, almost every day now Trump has an explosive meltdown on Truth social.

At 3:00 AM on Tuesday morning, Trump was wide awake. As many of us slept peacefully, the lord of the lies was anything but peaceful. Taking to Truth Social, Trump lashed out at CNN’s Don Lemon, jeering at him in a venom-paced tirade of a true narcissist. Then Trump compared his own ratings to that of Lemon’s, bragging about how many people used to enjoy watching him on TV. He called himself a “ratings machine.”

Trump also attacked Joe Scarborough. These attacks come from a wounded bird, a fallen enemy, a malignant traitor. Expect more. This is what these types always do when they feel powerless. According to, some of the things we can expect from the narcissist when they lose control include:

Rage, violent outbursts, and passive aggressive behavior (Trump’s takedown of JD Vance this weekend is an excellent example of this.) Also, smear campaigns and attempts at humiliation. Sound like anybody we know?

And just wait until the man is indicted. If you think THESE outbursts are disturbing, they’re nothing compared to what is to come. When the final karmic punishment comes along, it will be the final fury of a monster – a monster who knows his fall is over and has hit bottom at last.

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