The Extreme Court strikes again

Congratulations, Supreme Court! I say this because a new poll is out. It was conducted by AP-Norc Center for Public Affairs research. And the news for the lowest court in the land is not good.

Trust in the court has plummeted. This poll shows that only 18% — I repeat — 18% of the American people have a great deal of confidence in the court. This is astonishing. They couldn’t even clear 20%. How shameful.

The trust in the court has been on a downward spiral for a long time now but really exploded after Roe was overturned. And all the scandals the court has had since certainly haven’t helped.

But still — 18%! How poorly the American people view for the court. How scornful they are of the fanaticism the court has surrounded themselves in. All Supreme Court Justices want to be remembered in history. All judges would like historians to look back on their legacies with pride and honor. Yet how could they possibly expect that now?

The court has failed us. In decision after decision, they’ve failed to show they can keep their personal views out of the American people’s lives. And now they’re suffering for it. 18%!

It doesn’t help that Justices like Clarence Thomas have been engulfed in scandal after scandal. Nor does it help that the court thumbs their noses repeatedly at abiding by any ethics code. These numbers are grim for them, but they’re precisely what the court should have expected.

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