The Extreme Court is on thin ice

It’s been a never-ending shit-show with the extreme court. It seems every other week, there’s a new scandal. And Democrats have had enough. That is why Senator Dick Durbin has declared that the committee will be taking a vote on legislation to create an ethics reform package for the court.
This is expected to happen next month. It’s been a long time coming. This particular Supreme Court has been testing us for years. It’s like they want to see how far they can go.
The Court has shown that they hold themselves above the law. Their arrogance, at times, has been breathtaking. And as time goes by, they seem to drop the facade even more.
It has gotten to the point where we almost EXPECT more scandals and more rules to be broken by this court that thinks rules do not apply to them.
Alito’s lashing out at Pro Publica was the final nail in the coffin for the lowest court in the land. Time and again, the Supreme Court is making news for their greed, incompetence, and hubris-lathered actions. Time and again, they have metaphorically raised a finger to the American people.
Reportedly, it’s gotten to the point where high-profile Judges and attorneys are angry. And I don’t blame them. Every lawyer and judge in the world has guidelines to follow — everyone, it seems, but this court who seems to think their lawlessness is immortal.
Durbin has said that the Senate Judiciary committee is mulling over a code of conduct as we speak.
And that’s good.
Because we have discovered that at least six members of the court are nothing more than a bunch of spoiled, entitled babies who appear to care more about ritzy vacations and high-ranking buddies than the letter of the law, and it’s high time that something was done about it.