The Extreme Court is at it again

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The extreme court is teetering on the brink. And it is completely the fault of the sick six who don’t have a clue. They do not seem to be able to tap into any kind of human reservoir of understanding that there are millions of human beings out there who do not believe as they do.

It seems every month, we hear about yet another extreme justice who says something so utterly clueless that it’s hard to believe. And this month, it’s John Roberts. In his year-end report, Roberts choose to talk about safety.

Not about the safety of the women whose rights he and five other justices just cheerfully snipped away. No — Roberts is talking about the safety of — himself and the other judges., Naturally.

“A judicial system cannot and should not live in fear,” he wrote. “We must support judges by ensuring their safety.” Roberts specifically alluded to the threat against Brett Kavanaugh and the protests outside of Justice’s homes.

He also hearkened back to the years of conflict that occurred after the decision to desegregate the schools in the United States — Brown v. Board of education. “The events of Little Rock teach us about the importance of rule by law instead of the mob.”

I’ve written hundreds upon hundreds of articles for Palmer Report, friends. Seldom have I been THIS angry. Allow me to explain why. He’s right that NO threats of violence should ever be made against Kavanaugh or anyone. We are a nation of laws. They must be obeyed.

However, so far as I know, that was one person who attempted violence again Kavanagh, and he was arrested. To equate that with the peaceful protests that went on is, in my opinion, despicable. These were peaceful. They are legal. And nothing violent happened.

Do you know what I did not hear? I did not hear Robert’s concern about ten-year-old girls who are gang raped and want to get abortions but cannot. I did not hear a thing about the threats made to abortion clinics all over the country. I did not hear a thing about women being hunted like animals by Texas bounty hunters for merely exercising control over their own bodies.

Roberts is also right about another thing. There should be no rule by mob. But he is projecting. The MOB in this case is:

John Roberts

Any Coney Barrett

Brett Kavanaugh

Neil Gorsuch

Clarence Thomas

Samuel Alito

It is way past time to do something about the mob in question — the false one who stands before us, ready, willing and oh so able to take our rights with a snap of their fingers.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report