The DOJ is way ahead of where you think it is in the Trump criminal case

Keep in mind that, for all the frantically panicked shouting on social media about how the DOJ needs to immediately do this or that in its Trump probe, we’re all weeks or months behind the DOJ in terms of knowing what’s going on in this probe.

Today’s news about the Feds having found dozens of empty classified document folders in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? That document was drawn up three weeks ago. We’re just seeing a belatedly unsealed court filing about it. This information is brand new to you and me, but not to the DOJ or FBI.

In fact, the DOJ’s filings suggest it’s had cooperators inside Mar-a-Lago, acting as the Feds’ eyes and ears, for several months. So the DOJ has probably known for a very long time that there were empty classified document folders in Mar-a-Lago and has probably spent a very long time working to track down where those documents ended up. The best hope of recovering those documents was to do it before going into Trump’s house and alerting everyone in Trump’s orbit that the Feds were on the trail of those documents.

Moreover, it’s nearly a given that the Feds have also cultivated secret cooperators over the past several months within Trump’s other residences, to find out what documents were hiding there, in what rooms or trap doors, which folders were empty, and so on.

So these panicked social media outbursts about how the DOJ “must search Trump Tower and Bedminster right this minute!!!!!!!” are rather jarringly silly. Has what’s been revealed of late not taught us anything about how things actually work in these kinds of probes? We’re all pretty far behind where the DOJ is in this case. There’s no reason to give time of day to any political commentators who try to tell us that its the DOJ who’s somehow naively way behind the “clever” ideas they’re yelling out. Simply put, nothing works that way.

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