The devil came down to Georgia

The devil came down to Georgia. He was looking for an election to steal. He called out to Governor Kemp to help his scheme, but Kemp refused his deal. So continues the saga of the man who cannot and will not admit he lost. As many Republicans feared, Trump did not come to Georgia to help Perdue and Loeffler win their races. He came to continue to push Governor Kemp to do something to overturn the election results in Georgia, even if it meant breaking the law. Trump is no stranger to breaking the law, so this comes as no surprise. It is obvious that Trump has lost what was left of his mind.

Much of Trump’s visit in Georgia contained rants about his delusional election grievances. His teams are being kicked out of courts left and right, but he cannot accept that (a) no one cheated and (b) he lost. He will likely continue to stir up trouble long after he is gone, and there is not a whole lot anyone can do about that. The problem is that had his Republican enablers reined him in early on, things might be different. They did not, and some of them are even determined to stand beside him to the bitter end. It is a sad, sorry situation for the Republican party, and they apparently have no idea how to fix the very crisis they created. The state of the Republican party, however, is the least of Trump’s concerns.

Trump could barely focus on Perdue and Loeffler because he was too busy focusing on himself, even though he was allegedly in Georgia to help in their runoff races. He repeatedly complained about the election being “rigged,” as he lorded over a crowd filled with people sans masks with not one word or concern about coronavirus. Trump, in fact, has never been concerned about the virus, making him the single most dangerous aspect of the virus. Trump was even more unhinged than normal, talking about votes in suitcases and claiming that he will reverse the 2020 election results. He told his followers: “We will still win it,” though there is absolutely no way that he can do so. Just like Trump, his followers could care less about Loeffler or Perdue, chanting “Stop the Steal” and “Fight for Trump.” Trump is so done there is no need to stick a fork in him. Anyone who believes otherwise is as insane as Trump.

The runoffs will go forward on January 5, regardless of what Trump thinks and despite any craziness he continues to put out in the universe. While Trump finally told the crowd they should go out and vote for Loeffler and Perdue, his “lawyers” Lin Wood and Sydney Powell held their own rally, encouraging Republicans not to vote on January 5. Taking advantage of Republican stupidity, a progressive PAC has erected a billboard in Georgia: “Perdue/Loeffler didn’t deliver for Trump. DON’T deliver for them.” Let us hope that the crew that follows and hangs on Trump’s every word falls for it.

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