The degradation of Kari Lake

The whole Kari Lake Governor fiasco in Arizona exhausted many, particularly Arizonans. On and on, it seemed to go. There was no rhyme or reason to Lake’s complaints that she was cheated, and she strongly mimicked Donald Trump in her actions. But perhaps what she did was, in its way, a good thing.

I say this because, reportedly, many Republicans are livid at the way Lake degraded herself. It isn’t just that she refused to accept the election results. It is about all the toxic, babyish tweeting that she did and her overall appearance of completely unprofessional behavior.

And this has some Arizona Republicans saying that Lake’s future in politics — at least as it pertains to Arizona — is finished. Arizona GOP consultant Chuck Coughlin said: “It’s done in Arizona. I think the enormous amount of ill will that she’s going to create as a result of the appeal — I mean, it’s OK to file a case, but then, some of the stuff she’s been saying on media and posts and just the degradation of the Arizona institutions — I think is really going to hurt her out here.”

“I don’t really think she’s got a future in terms of her own electoral space here in Arizona.” Well, that is likely true, especially since she’s still doing it. If one were to look at Kari Lake’s Twitter profile right now, one would see it’s sort of suspended in some sort of time warp.

Lake will not stop tweeting (and sometimes retweeting) articles or comments that call her the real and true Governor of Arizona. She seems impervious to all the laughter and the fact that she’s become a punchline. Then again, her response appears to block many people taunting her immediately.

Lake also tweeted a cartoonish image of herself with the words: “Kari Lake Governor.” At this point, it’s stopped looking like embarrassing behavior and moved into the severely disturbed category.

The woman has degraded herself, degraded her voters, degraded the whole of Arizona, and she does not seem to be able to stop. So perhaps, after all, it’s a good thing she did this, and the world could be exposed to the real Kari Lake because the real Kari lake is certainly not a politician. In fact, she’s nobody at all.

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