The cruelty is the point

One reason I’ve been a democrat all my life is that I don’t like cruelty. I’ve always been on the side of good. And even early on in my life, I sensed something cruel about the republican party.

It seemed to me that the values of the GOP were in direct opposition to all that America stood for. And that bothered me. Through the eyes of a child, I sensed the cruelty — the viciousness — on the part of the GOP.

And it has only become worse. They seem to have no heart — no soul and no humility. Those always struck me as good reasons not to have anything to do with a party such as this. What I — and many — never anticipated is that the GOP would drop the act — the act of even pretending to give a damn about caring about the American people.

They’ve gone one thousand steps forward in the cruelty department. It’s like they started climbing the cruelty mountain decades ago. Now they’ve reached the absolute highest point where any faux concern about humanity vanishes into the mountain air, leaving only dusty and cruel fragments.

Right now, the GOP is set to release pending legislation. And once again, with this legislation, they show how little the lives of others matter to them. The legislation I refer to would seek to cut federal food aid by imposing a series of incredibly cruel requirements for people to get those benefits.

Such a bill would move the age bracket for people receiving such aid who do not have dependents. And it would move the age work requirement, which now under SNAP is 49. Republicans want to move it to 65.

This legislation will NOT BE signed into law, but that isn’t the point. The point is — once again, republicans are showing us where their loyalties are. And they are with anything that takes away the rights of the American people.They’re with cruelty. The cruelty seems to be the point with them.

Think about it. Republicans want to take away social security, medicare, Medicaid, abortion, and books, and now they are coming after nutrition assistance programs.

This political party doesn’t care about the average everyday human beings. Amazingly, they’ve gotten away with their cruelty for so long. This is why we must make sure Democrats continue to win at the Ballot box. — because they care.

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