The Clarence Thomas breaking point

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Another day, another scandal (or two) for Clarence Thomas. Apparently, this first one also concerns Thomas’s BFF, Harlan Crow. Thomas sent his grand nephew to an exclusive boarding school. Thomas actually had custody of the boy since he was 6 years old. So he sends him to this private school located in Georgia.

Only he paid nothing. Guess who did? Hmm… could it be Harlan Crow? Of course, it could! Payments were reportedly around $6,000 a month. Thomas didn’t pay. His wealthy benefactor Crow, however, did.

ProPublica uncovered this, and reportedly Crow paid the boy’s entire tuition for the year he was there. But that isn’t all. The boy reportedly attended a second school called Randolph-Macon Academy. And Harlan paid for that school as well. Thomas did not disclose these payments in his financial disclosures. That is a surprise. (sarcasm.)

But wait! There’s more. Ginni Thomas reportedly received lots of money from Leonard Leo –a conservative activist and friend of Donald Trump’s. Leo made the payment through Kellyanne Conway. This news was broken by the Washington Post. Leo wanted to “give” her an extra 25k and so he did it through Conway, emphasizing paperwork should not mention Ginni.

Just WHAT is going on here? Has Clarence Thomas and his wife ever paid for ANYTHING? What about a burger king meal? I doubt Thomas eats there anyway. Just what OTHER delicious morsels are going to come out? Are the cars paid for by Crow? What about their hair and wardrobe?

HOW MUCH HAS CROW GIVEN TO FURNISH THIS GRAND LIFESTYLE OF THOMAS? This is IT, people. This is the breaking point. Everyone has one. There are times when things get too crazy — when the walls begin to close in. This is happening with Thomas.

Can we make him resign? I doubt it. But we can up the pressure. We can call him out and make things as uncomfortable as possible. Every single person has a breaking point a point where it looks like their bad deeds are propelling them over a cliff. This is his.

Thomas is supposed to SAVE the law — preside over it, guard it, and protect it. And since he has shown he doesn’t give a damn about the law, it’s up to us as activists to make sure the country knows the truth about Mr. Thomas. Money talks for a guy like Thomas. Crow’s got a lot of it. And Thomas has a lot of needs, as we see.

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