The calamity is about to get a lot uglier for House Republicans

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There certainly is something a bit surreal about the last few news cycles. I think that surreal thing is the complete collapse of the Republican Party. Have they ever been this worn down, this woebegone, this powerless? If so, I haven’t seen it. It’s like this upcoming train wreck that we’ve known was hurtling forward for MONTHS now, wholly and finally derailed, leaving Republican passengers altogether without identity.

What happened to Kevin McCarthy was such a long time coming. We knew, from the beginning, that McCarthy was a fake speaker, a temporary placeholder for the alt-right. But to see it end this soon for ole Kev has really been something.

And I’ve got a theory AND a prediction. It isn’t over yet. That’s right. If you thought THIS week was something — you ain’t seen anything yet. That is because the next speaker — whomever it may be — will immediate be be cast in the same position as Kevin was.

And reportedly, ALREADY, there is insider quibbling going on in the GOP. Reportedly, Gaetz is already complaining. Also, reportedly, Kevin’s posse wants revenge, and they are furious with Matt Gaetz.

Added to that, Republicans cannot agree on whether to get rid of the motion to vacate the chair. When Kevin became speaker, that was one of the conditions he agreed to — that any one member could make a motion to vacate at any particular time.

Some Republicans have already appeared on Cable news to say that rule MUST vanish — that it isn’t suitable for the party and that they will not vote for anyone who wants to keep that rule in place.

But OTHER members of the Caucus want to keep the rule. They argue that THEY will not vote for anyone who seeks to get rid of it. Can you see what’s happening? In case you can’t, here it is in all its golden glory. REPUBLICANS IN DISARRAY.

Republicans are falling apart quicker than a dilapidated car on its way to a junkyard. Nobody seems to agree on ANYTHING, so if you thought the fighting was over because KEVIN is over, that does not mean diddly squat. At the end of the day, we have one political party that can’t govern. The house is closed for the week; it cannot do business until Republicans select the next speaker.

But that will be more challenging than they might think. And whoever DOES become the next speaker will also immediately have a target on their back, just like Kevin did.

It is a crying shame that we cannot do an intervention on this good-for-nothing party, but those days are long gone. The GOP has backed itself into a corner; any attempts to govern are long gone, and in the place of clear, sober leadership is — this — lot of babbling and furious losers who don’t have two brain cells among them. In the meantime, by the way — it’s Democrats in array.

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