The backlash is fully underway

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And so the backlash begins. This backlash is most definitely deserved. The New York Times, in this writer’s opinion, is Brutus come to life, odious pen in hand, leaving so very many asking: “Eu tu, Brute?”

Oh yes, most definitely. The New York Times disgraced itself by publishing an op-ed calling on President Biden to drop out of the race. Perhaps they really believed their own words. OR maybe they were spurred on by a delight in sticking it to Biden. After all, there have been many unconfirmed rumors that Times Publisher A.G. Sulzberger was encouraging journalists to go after Biden. This is not confirmed and comes from an unnamed source who spoke to Politico.

What is the reason for the publisher’s ire? Biden had yet to sit down with the paper to get an interview. I have no idea if this is accurate. What I do know is that the BACKLASH hitting the Times is a storm of fury.

Many people accurately pointed out that when Donald Trump was convicted of multiple felonies, the Times did not issue calls for HIM to drop out of the race. Some also pointed out that Trump was not asked to drop out even after being found guilty of sexual assault.

Where were you then? New York Times, MILLIONS are asking. On social media, The Times is being pilloried. It’s no surprise to US, now is it? They were also branded the “anti-Biden Times” by the University of New York Journalism Professor, Jeff Jarvis.

Jarvis also posted some recent articles by the Times. Eight out of nine of them were hit pieces on Biden. Some readers vowed to cancel their subscriptions. Some said they already had:

“a joke.”

“The Times is a joke.”

Sports Commentator Jemele Hill tweeted: “According to the New York Times, this is the guy who’s actually unfit to be president — and not the convicted felon insurrectionist bigoted rapist.”

MANY people said they were waiting on an editorial calling for indicted felon to drop out. As of the time of this writing, no such article has appeared:

“What a trash heap of an article.”

“The only people who should drop out are the editorial board at the NY Times — drop out of pretending to be journalists.’

“NY Times, have you no shame?”

Andrew Weinstein, the former Obama staffer, said he was with Biden and that Biden and others close to him “could not care less about what the Times had to say: “This country is sick and the sickness starts with the New York Times.”

The Times indignantly denies their “retaliating” for Biden’s declining an interview. No matter the reason for the horrific actions of The Times, one thing is certain. The New York Times is an utter disgrace. Donate to Palmer Report

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report