The art of self sabotage

With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

Jack Smith is not perfect. He’s terrific at his job. But he is not perfect, I am not perfect, nobody is perfect. Everyone, has a flaw or two. But he’s a damn good prosecutor. And he showed us this time and agan.

Late Wednesday, Smith made a filing seeking a limited gag order against Trump. As you know, Judge Chutkan had issued one but suspended it while Trump appealed. Smith wants it back in place. Smith says Trump is intimidating and threatening witnesses, including Mark Meadows.

Smith also wants the Judge to modify Trump’s conditions of release. I want to go back to how I started this article. Smith is not perfect. Neither am I nor anyone walking this earth.

The problem is that Donald Trump thinks he’s perfect. This is what got him into this mess. This is also another symptom of the malignant narcissist. But it isn’t just Trump. Many OTHERS believe him to be perfect.

Maga’s numbers are down significantly, but some remain, and some of those Magas are on social media right now saying things like “How dare Jack Smith do this.” Do this to our God, our Messiah. These people see no flaws in Trump; they see only perfection.

“Perfection often hides deeply-rooted rot; Dreams can easily turn into nightmares. Corruption is everywhere, even in places that seem immune to it.” These words describe the central theme of the David Lynch film ‘Blue Velvet.” It’s been on my mind quite a lot lately.

This is because of the theme of perfection — a theme used in much literature as well as in film. So many people get lost in the never-ending quest for perfection, not understanding that there is no such thing.

Nothing’s perfect. If it seems to be perfection, if it seems to glisten flawlessly, it’s not real. Donald Trump is not real.

Donald Trump snookered his dwindling cult with the idea of perfection. I’m never wrong, he cried. This was in the days before he ever became President. This was in the days before our nightmare began in earnest.

A seedy underbelly of rot is often hidden beneath the glossy theme of perfection. Rot is Donald Trump’s middle name. But some fell for his “I’m perfect” routine. I firmly believe that such people who believe in perfection despite ALL THE evidence that there is none, are searching.

They’re searching for something — something to ease, perhaps, the pain, the losses life has handed them. Perfection offers them an escape. They see beauty where there is only decay.

Jack Smith will likely get his gag order. Trump will likely violate it. He will break it because he is perfect in one single, very important way. He is perfect at the art — the art of self-sabotage. In all my years, I’ve never seen someone with as much unending self-sabotage as Donald John Trump. It is the only thing he excels at.

Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!