The arrests continue – and they’re leading up to Donald Trump

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When the police tackled and handcuffed Brad Parscale over the weekend and forcibly hospitalized him under the premise that he was an immediate danger to himself and others, we can debate whether this was technically an arrest – but realistically it was an arrest.

This means Brad Parscale is the fourth person to be in charge of Donald Trump’s campaign and then end up getting arrested. Trump’s first 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was arrested for assaulting a female reporter. Trump’s second 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort was arrested on a variety of charges and went to prison. Trump then hired Steve Bannon as his 2016 campaign CEO, and he was later arrested for fraud. And now Trump’s recently demoted 2020 campaign manager Parscale has gotten popped as well.

It’s not just the Trump campaign head honchos taking a fall, either. Trump’s 2016 campaign vice chairman Rick Gates went to prison. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen, who was deeply involved with his 2016 campaign, went to prison. Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser George Papadopoulos went to prison. Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been convicted. So has Trump’s campaign adviser Roger Stone. The list is so long, we’ve probably left some people out.

The point is that this is an ongoing pattern for Donald Trump and his orbit, and lately the pattern has been escalating. Bannon finally got popped just recently. Parscale just got popped. Rudy Giuliani seems to be in danger of getting popped any day. That’s before getting to Trump’s newly leaked tax returns, which are enough to put him away on federal charges. And then there’s the well-documented New York grand jury that’s in the process of criminally indicting Donald Trump on state charges that he can’t pardon himself for.

It’s now essentially a given that if Donald Trump loses the election, he’ll end up indicted, arrested, tried, convicted, and yes, sent to prison. He’s pretty far behind in the polls, and his schemes to close the gap keep failing. All we have to do is put in the work required to win – volunteering, phone banking, voter registration – and we’ll finish him off for good.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report