Ted Cruz just found a whole new way to humiliate himself

Acting can be a fun experience. Becoming another person — and telling a story — is extremely fun in many aspects. So allow me if you will to tell you a story of an actor. This actor is also a politician, although one would have to question whether he has actually done any type of work in his long and bland career.

The actor is a Senator for the great state of Texas. He enjoys temper tantrums, mariachi music, kissing up to people who insult his wife and he also enjoys acting. His name is Rafael (Ted) Cruz. And this week, as Senators were questioning FBI agent Christopher Wray, Rafael put on the performance of his life.

He was concerned about an FBI document he obtained. Cruz said the document had symbols of “violent extremism.” One of them was the Gonzales battle flag, Rafael said. Rafael then began his performance, which involved a raised Rafael voice, trying to sound tough and and a bit of histrionics involving his own boots.

Ranting about Antifa and demanding to know why THEY are not depicted in the document, Rafael slammed his boot on the table stridently. Wray very politely told Cruz he was not familiar with the document and then tried — I say tried because, with Rafael, it is difficult for logic to get through — to explain the symbols.

Wray explained symbols alone do not constitute extremism. Cruz decided to go for an encore performance as he screamed that Black Lives Matter are the ones who should REALLY be on the document and not “patriotic Americans.” Nothing like a coward (Rafael) defending other cowards!

Cruz was likely hoping Donald Trump would hear about this and perhaps say something nice about him. I say Ted Cruz should receive an award for his acting abilities. Not an Oscar — a Razzie. Razzies and Rafael do go together rather nicely.

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