Ted Cruz embarrasses himself on airplane

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

If there is one thing Rafael (Ted) Cruz understands, it’s lying. Rafael is the face of Trumpism, even though one suspects he’s only supporting Trump because he thinks he has to. Another thing Rafael is known for is his cruelty. Rafael does not appear to give a damn about anyone, particularly the people he’s supposed to represent.

And on Thursday, Rafael was confronted by a stranger who also happens to be a Beto supporter. It happened on an airplane. This person who confronted Rafael wanted very much to know why he refused to support any type of gun safety legislation, especially after the tragedy of Uvalde.

“Senator, thank you,” the man says to Rafael. “For everything you’ve done since Uvalde. All those podcast episodes must have raised a lot of money for you.” The two proceeded to talk about gun safety reform, with Rafael doing what he does best — lying.

Cruz (with a straight face) told the man that he’d tried to pass:” the most significant school safety bill ever,” but the Democrats objected. Let’s just stop and marvel for a moment at the unmitigated gall of Rafael Cruz. Can you see it? Rafael angrily argues for more gun safety legislation, with the Democrats surrounding him, sadly shaking their heads.

If you can’t visualize, don’t worry. It never happened. But you KNOW Rafael — the lies pour forth like toilet water, swirling around and around. The man asked Rafael how he possibly had the time to do that with his podcast and all. “Listen to the man,” a bystander told Rafael.

The man then asked Rafael if he knew ANY of the Uvalde shooting victims’ names. Good for him. Rafael said that he did. And then refused to name any of them probably because he does NOT know their names. At last Rafael gave up. “You’re partisan,” he said to the man. “And that’s OK.” It was a flight to remember.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.