Someone get this guy a straitjacket

If you’re a clear-headed person who paid any attention to the campaign at all, you already knew that Donald Trump was dangerously and maliciously mentally ill long before he stole the presidency. His time in office has been even more alarming in that regard. But over the past week, as things have gotten particularly hot and heavy for him, Trump has managed to find his way to a whole new level of derangement – and I honestly wasn’t sure that was possible. But it’s happening, and it matters, because everything is now in play.
This past week the U.S. intel community confirmed that Kim Jong-Un is already rebuilding his collapsed nuclear missile testing site, meaning that Donald Trump’s North Korea summit was even more of a failure than we thought. So now that it’s taken about five minutes for Kim to go rogue, how is Donald Trump trying to win him over again? By sending him an autographed CD of Elton John’s Rocket Man. No, really. To be clear, it’s been autographed by Trump, not by Elton John, who right now is probably wishing he could hide under his piano.

This report about the Rocket Man CD is coming from a major South Korean newspaper, and there’s no reason for them to be making this up. So at this point Trump is literally trying to stop a nuclear conflict with a foreign enemy by taking the insult he liked to hurl at that enemy, autographing it, and sending it to him. This comes just after Trump gave a speech in which he pretended to throw imaginary DNA testing kits at Senator Elizabeth Warren, who wasn’t there, before revealing that he doesn’t know what a DNA test does.

Millions of Americans struggle with mental illness, do the best they can with it, and have never hurt anyone. Donald Trump is something entirely different. There are also plenty of Americans who are immoral villains and purposely do plenty of harm, but are plenty stable. Trump isn’t that either. Instead, Trump is a guy who’s simultaneously a vicious villain and completely removed from rationality or coherence. He’s indulging in completely whacked out antics on the world stage, even as he’s kidnapping thousands of immigrant kids and locking them in cages. If you crafted a fictional cartoon villain who behaved like this, audiences would reject the character for being too unrealistic.

Maybe Donald Trump is further cracking because Michael Cohen is about to flip on him and the Paul Manafort trial is about to start, and his scandals just keep getting worse for him. Maybe it’s because he finally had to oust his favorite corrupt cabinet member Scott Pruitt. Or maybe whatever is wrong with him is simply getting worse of its own accord. But in all seriousness, now more than ever, Trump belongs in a straitjacket. If he were behaving this way in any other walk of life, he’d be in restraints by now.

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