Donald Trump can’t get his story straight about what he told Robert Mueller

When Michael Cohen admitted in court that he and Donald Trump were plotting to build Trump Tower Moscow during the 2016 general election, it seemed fairly obvious that this was Robert Mueller’s way of nailing Trump for having lied about it in his recently submitted written answers. Now Trump and his lawyers are insisting that Trump told Mueller the same thing that Cohen just said. Wait, that can’t be right.

Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, whose credibility is zero based on his track record, is now telling the New York Times that Donald Trump told Robert Mueller all about the Trump Tower Moscow deal in his written questions. Okay, but why? Considering that Cohen had already lied to Congress about this last year, how could Donald Trump have known that Michael Cohen was going to turn around and tell Robert Mueller the truth about this?

Yes, Cohen’s plea deal depends on telling the truth, but as we’ve seen with the likes of Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos, Trump’s advisers have a habit of cutting deals and then continuing to lie anyway. What if Trump told the truth about the Moscow deal in his written answers, and then it turned out Cohen had lied about it to Mueller? Trump would have been implicating himself in the deal for nothing. This just doesn’t add up.

Again, Robert Mueller’s only logical reason for having Michael Cohen confirm the Trump Tower Moscow deal in court this morning is to nail someone for having committed the crime of lying about it. If Donald Trump did tell the truth because he was betting that Cohen had already given it up anyway, then Mueller would have to be doing this to nail someone else for lying about it. One strong possibility is Donald Trump Jr, who by all accounts, lied about the Moscow deal to the House.

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