Donald Trump’s “stollen” meltdown gives away just how much trouble he and the GOP are in

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Trump is now whining about how the 2020 election was “stollen” from him. His brain is rotting and he’s stuck in the past, yet he’s still the face of the GOP. His side is distracted and not putting in volunteer work to try to win the midterms. If we do put in the work, we can win.

Strategically, it’s a great thing (for us) that Trump has his base focused on something as irrelevant as whining about 2020, instead of steering them toward trying to win the midterms. It’s even better that he’s basically telling them not to bother voting in the midterms, since their vote doesn’t count because it’s all “rigged” anyway.

Trump, the self centered idiot, is handing us a gift. But it’ll only matter if we seize the opportunity by putting in the work these final eight days. Sign up to VOLUNTEER with a Democratic candidate or organization. Do it today. Spend this week putting in the work, and our odds of winning will go way up. VOLUNTEER. Everything else is just noise.

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