Steve Bannon has completely delusional meltdown as January 6th hearings slam the door

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Are you familiar with the term “red mirage?” Chris Stirewalt, who used to work for Fox as the political editor and was fired, explained how counting election votes can often falsely summon up a “red mirage.”

Because when counting, sometimes same-day results are counted first, and Republicans tend to vote on the same day more than democrats. But then, as the counting goes on, early voting numbers come into play, and the results can swing in favor of the Democrats.

This makes sense. But I submit there is another “red mirage” going on — at this very moment. It is the red mirage of traitor Steve Bannon. Banning seems to be under the delusion that he runs the Republican party — indeed, perhaps he thinks he runs the country.

And his red mirage is fury — fury that the January 6 hearings appear to be successful. And Bannon, who has a history of saying and doing really bizarre things, has just gone over the deep end.

Steve Bannon, caught in the grip of a red-hot delusion of grandeur, has just threatened the head of the Department of Justice — Merrick Garland. Bannon said that if the DOJ dares — DARES — to indict assolini — Garland will be impeached — “we’ll impeach you” are his exact words.

Really? The problem I see — one problem of about 70 million – is that Steve Bannon does not hold elected office — much as he might wish he did. It’s all a delusion — a very sick delusion but a delusion nonetheless. In fact, Bannon said, “everybody in the DOJ” would be impeached.

Bannon, who is about to stand trial, is not a particularly smart man. “Screw the White House,” Bannon raged. “We’re going to impeach you and everybody in the DOJ.” From prison, Mr. Bannon? It sounds like Mr. Bannon’s scarlet mirage just exploded big-time.

Does Steve Bannon have any idea what a doofus he sounds like? Has he any idea how utterly DUMB it is to threaten the head of the Department of Justice? I doubt it. Or perhaps his fanciful ambitions of belonging just did not allow for any minuscule degree of self-awareness.

Steve Bannon isn’t part of politics except in his own mind. He is a sunken and decrepit rebel without a cause, desperate for relevance, indicted, miserable and irrelevant. And his trial can’t come soon enough for me.

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