Donald Trump’s debate is already off to a disastrous start

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When Joe Biden took the stage for tonight’s debate, he seemed energetic and happy to be there. When Donald Trump took the stage, he seemed to be on his last legs. Trump inexplicably referred to Joe Biden as “Jim Biden,” thus settling the question of who’s going senile. Then things got worse for Trump.

Donald Trump insisted that he’s done nothing to harm Obamacare in any way, prompting moderator Chris Wallace to factually point out that Trump has a Supreme Court case pending right now with the intent of completely gutting Obamacare. This threw Trump off guard, and he began whining about Wallace – always a sign that a candidate is losing.

There was a lot of public debate as to whether Donald Trump might get high on Adderall and frantically sniff his way through the debate, as he frequently did during the 2016 election cycle. But tonight Trump seemed to be on sedatives if anything.

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