Something isn’t right with Louie Gohmert

The game of cat and mouse can be exhausting, yet this is what we do regarding Republicans every day. We play a cat and mouse game with them. We play this game because we’re determined to nab them, show them up, and stop the lying.

And there can be no doubt that Republicans love to lie. That is why in my opinion, many of them seem so angry all the time — lying is an exhausting business. And for the liar, who bears the brunt of regular pathological dishonesty, having to lie all the time is certainly not a great way to achieve mental harmony.

One of my favorite messages on lying came from Homeland’s award-winning episode called q&A. In that episode, an interrogation goes on.

The interrogator tells the one being interrogated how freeing and soul-affirming it can be to let the lies drift away — how GOOD it can feel – and how freeing. It is a message the GOP likely would never understand.

But one Republican WAS recently honest — about the fact that some Republicans love to lie. Rep. Louie Gohmert appears very angry about the indictment of Peter Navarro. That is understandable. Republicans never like it when one of their own is held accountable.

Gohmert was being interviewed by Newsmax when he made his feelings on the subject of lying quite clear. Here is what he said: “If you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent, or they’re coming after you.”

Nothing like saying the quiet part out loud, Gohmert. Now Louie appeared to be trying to say that Democrats get away with lying to the FBI while Republicans don’t. And it isn’t surprising he’d call democrats liars because Gohmert, like other Republicans, loves to project and accuse Democrats of things that Republicans do it themselves.

Still, that was a pretty blunt statement. And it makes one wonder. What do republicans like Gohmert care about — besides lying, of course? Money? Check. Power? Check. But do they have any VALUES? Is there anything they won’t lie about? And how could they not be aware of the heavy price they have paid and will undoubtedly keep paying, emotionally and at the ballot box, because of these lies?

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