So where’s our apology?

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Several loud-mouthed Republican election deniers across the country who spouted the Big Lie have conceded their own elections. Without fuss or fanfare, Mehmet Oz, Tudor Dixon, Lee Zeldin and other election-denying GOP losers are conceding their races without any comment. They are behaving just like normal politicians used to behave when they lost. What I want to know is, where in the hell is our apology?

Let me put it another way. If I ran for public office and I knew for a fact the election was rigged against me, that is to say, I had actual evidence of cheating, I would say so long and loud. I would probably still run for office, recognizing that if I won I would have to win by a much larger margin than 50%. But I would not be happy. If I lost I would say why I lost. I wouldn’t just pretend like it never happened, congratulate my cheating opponent, concede and go home.

But if I lost and didn’t say anything I’d have to say why I didn’t say anything, right? You don’t just go around screaming about how the election is rigged and then clam up after you lose. Unless, of course, you knew it was a lie all along and you were told by the Losers-That-Be (or you figured it out for yourself) that the Big Lie is poisoning the party and everybody has to stop spouting it RIGHT NOW!

These former election deniers now gone mute are behaving exactly the way guilty people behave. Let me put that another way. They are behaving exactly the way people who already knew that the election denying crap they were spewing was in fact a lie. So I will say it again: where the hell is our apology?

I dunno, I mean, when you falsely accuse someone and then later admit — tacitly or otherwise — that you were wrong, don’t you apologise? Isn’t that how it’s supposed to go among decent and civilised people?

I know, I know, these are Republicans. They aren’t decent and they aren’t civilised. But they should apologise anyway, and the mainstream media should hold their feet to the fire in perpetuity until they do.

Before we tweak the unapologetic noses of the “you lost, get over it!” crowd from 2016, I’d like to see — just once — some class from them. Maybe that’s too much to ask. After all, what can we expect from a bunch of losers? But even if we have to force it out of them, we deserve an apology. The whole country deserves an apology. So where in the hell is it?

There are eight million stories in the naked city of MAGA losers, election deniers and hypocrites. This has been one of them. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Click Here