So that turned out to be completely wrong

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It’s now been nearly two weeks since the Feds went into Donald Trump’s home with a search and seizure warrant, making it clear that he’s going to end up criminally charged and arrested. The polls show no Republican midterm bump, not even for Trump’s handpicked candidates. Instead the polls continue to shift in the Democrats’ direction. So much for the bizarre narrative that this search warrant would somehow help Trump or his party politically.

There have been no sizable protests from Trump supporters. They didn’t take to the streets. They didn’t overthrow anything. We’ve merely seen a handful of isolated violent incidents that failed. Trump supporters are cowards who fear law enforcement when their guy is not in charge of law enforcement. So much for the bizarre narrative that if the Feds moved in on Trump, his supporters would plunge the country into civil war. It’s still possible something will happen, but there is obviously no one rioting in the streets. So much for the notion that Trump supporters can decide to just somehow magically overthrow the government if they wake up one day and decide to.

The media and pundit class spent the past year insisting we were doomed unless the DOJ immediately moved on Trump. Given that the DOJ didn’t make any official moves until recently, and we didn’t end up “doomed” as a result of the probe taking its time, that doomsday prediction turned out to be wildly wrong.

Then after the DOJ moved on Trump, large chunks of the media and pundit class insisted that the DOJ’s actions meant we were now doomed, either politically or violently. This has also turned out to be wildly wrong.

You see how the game works, right? These kinds of prognostications are basically never right, because they’re not trying to be right. It’s a game to manipulate you into tuning in that day, and it’s based on you never putting two and two together to figure out that these kinds of doomsday prognostications never come true.

The trouble is that this kind of ratings-driven doomsday nonsense distracts us from the various actual problems we’re facing. Even with improving numbers for the Democrats, the midterms are still very much up in the air – and we can’t afford a Republican House. Let’s stop fretting over Donald Trump, and start putting in the work to win the midterms.

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