So much winning!

Are we sick of winning yet? We won on November 4th, then again January 6th, January 20th, and now March 4th. So much winning! Trump is being served lawsuits, the MAGAts are facing Federal charges for their insurrection, and now there’s an end to the coronavirus pandemic in sight. Times are still hard but Biden and the Dems are working on delivering relief.

The clown show that’s now the Republican Party is, of course, going to delay the relief bill for as long as they can. Not because their constituents demand a delay – Americans are overwhelmingly for the relief bill – but because Republicans need a lot of smoke and mirrors in order keep running their scam on their voters.

By focusing on the cost of such measures, they can keep delaying the bill. Not that they care about its cost, but all the grandstanding will convince their base that they are looking out for their rights as taxpayers. This would be believable had they not just handed billionaires an enormous tax cut and given their buddies large forgivable loans from the last round of relief, ensuring there would not be enough for the average American business person to get relief.

Abbott opening up Texas is another Republican trick pony. Now his frozen and bankrupt constituents can vote for him again because, “Ma freedom,” or some such nonsense.
All politicians have a sleaziness about them, and of course, giving good face is kind of their job, but Republicans have made sleaze their mainstay. It’s a set formula and this why nothing gets done. They gum up all the works, then blame Dems for any delay or shortcoming. Every bad move they make, such as screwing up the Texas grid, they refocus on making it about Dems taking away your right to go mask less. Their base is a perfect storm of stupid and/or greedy, and this works every time.

We think it should be pointed out that there are honorable Republicans who would like to wrestle the party away from Trump. They should be encouraged. Conservatives have their place in a democracy and yet, now there are so few of them left, it’s hard to imagine the party surviving. In the meantime, be loud and clear that Republicans in power now are not the party of life, liberty and happiness, but the party of hypothermia, coronavirus and bread lines.

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