Sidney Powell just made her life a whole lot more difficult

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Even as Donald Trump’s various henchmen continue to make incoherently stupid and self defeating moves in the legal cases against them, we’re tasked with trying to make some kind of logical sense of it. But none of these people have had a functioning brain since the 2020 election broke them – and the legal moves they’re making are simply idiotic.

The latest to make an insanely stupid court filing is Sidney Powell, who is now making easily disproven claims about why she accessed voting machine data. It’s important to remember that a stupid court filing like this doesn’t help a defendant in any way. Not only is she going to lose this filing, it’s not going to delay things either.

Moreover, because Powell is making this false claim as part of her effort to get her Fulton County trial severed from her co-defendants’ trials, she probably just hurt her odds of being able to get that request granted. When you lie in support of such a request, it makes it easy for the courts to rule against you based on the simple fact that you lied, rather than having to get into whether your request has any legal merit.

The further down the self defeating rabbit hole these idiots go, the more of an attempt we’ll see at making some logical sense out of their incoherent actions. There has to be a strategy in there somewhere, right? But there isn’t. Just yesterday, Sidney Powell’s former pal Rudy Giuliani got hit with a civil court judgment against him because he made a bad faith filing in that case. Trump’s henchmen haven’t been able to function since 2020, and they’re simply self destructing in incoherent fashion.

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