Should have seen this coming with Liz Cheney

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No one should be surprised that Liz Cheney voted against the infrastructure bill. She’s a right winger who’s financially corrupt on behalf of the wealthy, but she just happens to have a real problem with treason. We can (and should) use her help with the January 6th Committee; she can be trusted to do the right thing on that topic, because she believes in the right thing when it comes to that topic. But she’s not going to be on the “good” side of most other issues. It’s just who she is.

– House or Senate recess is not “vacation” – and shame on all these media pundits who are falsely framing it that way. Recess is when Democrats go home and sell their ideas to constituents. It’s crucial in getting public support for legislation. Pundits know this; they just want to score cheap points for themselves by making it look like they’re being hard on the Democrats. Don’t fall for it.

– Democrat Phil Murphy ended up winning by 2.7 points. Nearly every headline described it as a “narrow” victory. Republican Glenn Youngkin ended up winning by 2.2 points. Not a single headline described it as a “narrow” victory. The media frames things how it wants to.

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