Sheer utter dominance on the part of Joe Biden

I’ve said it since 2021: President Biden would be the Democratic presumptive nominee for 2024 – a piece of news that’s finally official, after he clinched the delegates needed, winning the Georgia primary.

He managed to replicate his impressive performance from the South Carolina primary, winning 95% of the popular vote, but his likely opponent, running unopposed for the nomination now, won by…84.5% of the vote. In fact, he nearly lost DeKalb County, only getting 56% of the vote to Nikki Haley who dropped out last week. Fulton County, another one of two counties where Atlanta is based, Trump only fared slightly better – against Haley who’s no longer in the race.

This is largely consistent with what we’ve seen play out in the last few primaries, where the former guy consistently struggles in suburban areas of the country – places that have become increasingly diverse and where the vote has been moving consistently to Democrats. He did even worse in Washington state, which also had its primary on Tuesday night, with a sizable chunk of votes, particularly in liberal King County going to Nikki Haley.

We’ve yet to see anywhere that Trump puts together a performance like the one from Joe Biden in South Carolina, even after he’s become the presumptive nominee. This doesn’t mean, of course, that he can’t win, but it shows how beatable he is – that if we show up to vote Nov 5, we will win this.

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