Russian sex worker threatens to blow open Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

Russian sex worker, Anastasia Vashukevich, AKA Nastya Rybka, has been broadcasting on the web that she’s being held in Thailand for running so-called “sex training” sessions. She claims to have documented proof that President Donald Trump has had extensive dealings in Russia, with Russian oligarchs. Her past associations include billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko. Vashukevich is asking for offers (in addition to her freedom) for her information and her proof.

In a video she sent to western journalists, Vashukevich says, “I’m ready to give you all the missing puzzle pieces, support them with videos and audios, regarding the connections of our respected lawmakers with Trump, Manafort and the rest. I know a lot. I’m waiting for your offers and I’m waiting for you in a Thai prison”

The Vashukevich proof video is certainly not the infamous “Pee Tape” described in the Steele Dossier; that tape was made by Russian intelligence for blackmail material (kompromat) the Putin government has on Trump to force him to do Putin’s will. That tape is said to show Trump in a Russian hotel room observing two sex workers urinate on a bed that was once slept in by the Obamas.

The leader of the Russian opposition party and former opponent to Putin, Alexei Navalny, has stated that Deripaska and Prikhodko may have served as a link between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. Navalny was jailed for a month last year by Putin’s police after he called for protests. He continues to be arrested from time to time and has been banned from running for office. Navalny has alleged that accused conspirator, Paul Manafort, “transmitted” information to the Kremlin via Deripaska.

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