Senile unhinged Donald Trump asks Russia to attack NATO

Donald Trump has reached a point of senility where he doesn’t know what he’s even trying to say – or what he’s not supposed to say. We all know by now that Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin, but Trump used to be at least a little more subtle about it. These days Trump is so senile, he’s saying this:

There’s no misunderstanding the context here. Donald Trump is directly and publicly telling Russia to attack NATO and invade America’s European allies. This is a new level of psychopathy, even for Trump. It’s the surest sign yet that he’s swiftly headed for a padded room in an assisted living facility.

For all the lamenting we’re hearing about how awful it is that Trump is talking like this, I say bring it on. The more times Trump goes over the senile unhinged edge like this, the more quickly it’ll finish him off.

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