Senile Donald Trump protests too much

Donald Trump now routinely comes off as senile in his public appearances. He thinks Barack Obama is the current President of the United States. He thinks repealing Obamacare is the hot political topic of the day. He thinks we’ve only had one World War. He doesn’t know what city or state he’s in. Trump has lost all track of space and time as his cognitive abilities have receded.

But even as Trump keeps giving away that he thinks Obama is the current President, his apologists have decided to cover for this by making up a silly story about how Trump is saying this on purpose as a way of painting Joe Biden as an Obama puppet. This is laughable, given that 1) Trump never gave any indication that this was what he was trying to imply, and 2) Trump’s senility keeps showing in a dozen other ways.

Now Trump himself (or whoever is making social media posts on his behalf) is frantically trying to sell this same revisionist history, insisting that Trump has been trying to tell us all along that Biden is just an Obama puppet. Nice try. Trump is simply senile and doesn’t know who the current President is – and now he’s protesting too much.

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