Senile Donald Trump just did it again

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It happened on Sunday. On Sunday, cable news’s sanity and rationality suffered a bit of a disturbance.(That’s putting it mildly.) This is because an orange gnome decided it might be a bright idea to grant a specific network an interview. Let’s say things did not go well.

The creepy black widow spider, known as Faux non-news, decided to interview Donald Trump. Host Maria Bartiromo was the interviewer, and as anyone could have predicted, Trump went off the rails. The fox had to censor him.

For some unfathomable reason, Trump does not seem to think President Biden will be the Democratic nominee. That is what he SAID anyway. I think he’s lying and just saying that. He’s afraid to run against Biden.

Many people I speak to feel the same. Then Maria asked the question that started the insanity. How would you do against Gavin Newsom? Maria asked him sweetly. It was a ridiculous question because Gavin Newsom will not be the Democratic nominee.

This question was the cue card for Trump to begin his babbling. “Because he’s, he’s so much so much bullshit” Trump yelled out, forcing Fox to censure the nutjob known as Individual one.

Trump also spoke about Michelle Obama and how many polls are showing that he’s beating her. There are no polls with Michelle Obama being beaten by Donald Trump. The whole thing was a figment of Trump’s very loony imagination. Of course, none of this is accurate, and neither Michelle Obama nor Gavin Newsom will take President Biden’s place.

The interview was off the rails. It was a train wreck, even by Donald Trump’s standards. Fox had no control over their wayward interviewee, who ranted and raved about all things sane to the point of embarrassment. Trump in this interview rambled in a somewhat dazed and confused way about how great he is and how he is beating everybody. It was just another black-eye for Fox in a continuing number of black-eyes.

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