Senile Donald Trump gives away that he has no idea what’s even going on

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During his time in politics, Donald Trump has always just taken the standard Republican position on issues like abortion, because he really doesn’t care one way or the other. The problem for Trump these days is that he’s so deep into dementia symptoms, he doesn’t appear to remember or understand what his positions are even supposed to be.

Take, for instance, Donald Trump’s emphatic post today on social media: “I HAVE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER ADVOCATE IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON BIRTH CONTROL, or other contraceptives. This is a Democrat fabricated lie, MISINFORMATION/DISINFORMATION, because they have nothing else to run on except FAILURE, POVERTY, AND DEATH. I DO NOT SUPPORT A BAN ON BIRTH CONTROL, AND NEITHER WILL THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!”

Where is this coming from? Trump’s social media post came just one day after Trump was hit with the question about birth control in a live interview, and gave this completely mentally vacant answer:

In other words, Trump had no idea what he was even supposed to say about the matter, because he has no idea what’s even going on anymore. After his senile answer, in which he seemingly implied that he was looking at banning birth control, his babysitters had no choice but to post an emphatic denial on social media in his name. It’s just the latest sign that Donald Trump is truly gone.

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